Results for 'José G. Vargas Hernández'

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  1.  69
    Historical Social and Indigenous Ecology Approach to Social Movements in Mexico and Latin America.José G. Vargas Hernández & Mohammad Reza Noruzi - 2010 - Asian Culture and History 2 (2):P176.
    The struggle for the recognition of indigenous rights is one of the most important social movements in Mexico. Before the 1970s, existing peasant organizations did not represent indigenous concerns. Since 1975 there has been a resurgence of indigenous movements and have raised new demands and defense of their cultural values. However, indigenous social mobilization had been laid in local and regional peasant struggles across the 1970s and 1980s. Also the indigenous movement is not homogeneous and does not include all ethnic (...)
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    Sustainability as a Strategy of Responsible and Competitive Development Sostenibilidad como Estrategia de Desarrollo Responsable y Competitiva.José G. Vargas Hernández - 2013 - Daena 8 (1):64-81.
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    Perspectivas de la posmodernidad institucional.José G. Vargas-Hernández - 2011 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 32 (104):121-127.
    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar las perspectivas teórico-metodológicas del posmodernismo como tendencia de la política comparativa. A pesar de que los posmodernistas frecuentemente rechazan algunos de los puntos del acercamiento conductual, la psicología política tiende a abarcarlos. En este análisis se sugiere que se debe tener cuidado cuando se atribuyen elementos al posmodernismo ya que está lejos de ser una disciplina monolítica, pues contiene diferentes áreas de interés, tales como el posestructuralismo. La posmodernidad cuestiona la legitimidad del desarrollo alcanzado (...)
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    Hacia un nuevo diseño de gobernabilidad glocal postnacional.José Gpe Vargas Hernández - 2005 - Polis 10.
    El autor señala que la ola democratizadora de las últimas décadas requiere la precisión conceptual de gobernabilidad local, para lo que desarrolla una reflexión sobre la gobernabilidad económica glocal, la gobernancia local, y la gobernabilidad democrática de los gobiernos locales. Concluye argumentando que el Estado de Derecho, el fortalecimiento de la sociedad civil y el desarrollo de la capacidad de gobernabilidad contribuyen a la ampliación y profundización del espacio público y al establecimiento de mecanismos de control social sobre los recursos (...)
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  5. Algunos mitos, estereotipos, realidades y retos de Latinoamérica.José Guadalupe Vargas Hernández - 2000 - Cinta de Moebio: Revista Electrónica de Epistemología de Ciencias Sociales 8.
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    Kinematical and gravitational analysis of the rocket-borne clock experiment by Vessot and Levine using the revised Robertson's test theory of special relativity.José G. Vargas - 1986 - Foundations of Physics 16 (10):1003-1020.
    The kinematic aspects of the rocket-borne clock experiment by Vessot and Levine are analyzed with the revised Robertson's test theory of special relativity (Found. Phys. 14, 625 (1984)). Besides the expected time-dilation, it is found that the intermediate steps of this experiment yield in principle Michelson-Morley type information (a relation between longitudinal and transverse length contractions) in the third order of the velocities involved, but no relativity-of-simultaneity related effects.The flat space-time test theory induces a family of “spherically symmetric” line elements (...)
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    Geometrization of the physics with teleparallelism. II. Towards a fully geometric Dirac equation.José G. Vargas, Douglas G. Torr & Alvaro Lecompte - 1992 - Foundations of Physics 22 (4):527-547.
    In an accompanying paper (I), it is shown that the basic equations of the theory of Lorentzian connections with teleparallelism (TP) acquire standard forms of physical field equations upon removal of the constraints represented by the Bianchi identities. A classical physical theory results that supersedes general relativity and Maxwell-Lorentz electrodynamics if the connection is viewed as Finslerian. The theory also encompasses a short-range, strong, classical interaction. It has, however, an open end, since the source side of the torsion field equation (...)
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  8.  34
    The Foundations of Quantum Mechanics and the Evolution of the Cartan-Kähler Calculus.Jose G. Vargas - 2008 - Foundations of Physics 38 (7):610-647.
    In 1960–1962, E. Kähler enriched É. Cartan’s exterior calculus, making it suitable for quantum mechanics (QM) and not only classical physics. His “Kähler-Dirac” (KD) equation reproduces the fine structure of the hydrogen atom. Its positron solutions correspond to the same sign of the energy as electrons.The Cartan-Kähler view of some basic concepts of differential geometry is presented, as it explains why the components of Kähler’s tensor-valued differential forms have three series of indices. We demonstrate the power of his calculus by (...)
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  9.  84
    Entrepreneurs' Well-Being: A Bibliometric Review.José Carlos Sánchez-García, Gioconda Vargas-Morúa & Brizeida Raquel Hernández-Sánchez - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Teleparallel Kähler Calculus for Spacetime.Jose G. Vargas & Douglas G. Torr - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (6):931-958.
    In a recent paper [J. G. Vargas and D. G. Torr, Found. Phys. 27, 599 (1997)], we have shown that a subset of the differential invariants that define teleparallel connections in spacetime generates a teleparallel Kaluza-Klein space (KKS) endowed with a very rich Clifford structure. A canonical Dirac equation hidden in this structure might be uncovered with the help of a teleparallel Kähler calculus in KKS. To bridge the gap to such a calculus from the existing Riemannian Kähler calculus (...)
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  11. The Cartan-Einstein Unification with Teleparallelism and the Discrepant Measurements of Newton's Constant G.Jose G. Vargas & Douglas G. Torr - 1999 - Foundations of Physics 29 (2):145-200.
    We show that in 1929 Cartan and Einstein almost produced a theory in which the electromagnetic (EM) field constitutes the time-like 2-form part of the torsion of Finslerian teleparallel connections on pseudo-Riemannian metrics. The primitive state of the theory of these connections would not, and did not, permit Cartan and Einstein to realize how their torsion field equations contained the Maxwell system and how the Finslerian torsion contains the EM field. Cartan and Einstein discussed curvature field equations, though failing to (...)
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  12.  57
    Geometrization of the physics with teleparallelism. I. The classical interactions.José G. Vargas - 1992 - Foundations of Physics 22 (4):507-526.
    A connection viewed from the perspective of integration has the Bianchi identities as constraints. It is shown that the removal of these constraints admits a natural solution on manifolds endowed with a metric and teleparallelism. In the process, the equations of structure and the Bianchi identities take standard forms of field equations and conservation laws.The Levi-Civita (part of the) connection ends up as the potential for the gravity sector, where the source is geometric and tensorial and contains an explicit gravitational (...)
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  13.  76
    On the geometrization of electrodynamics.Jose G. Vargas - 1991 - Foundations of Physics 21 (4):379-401.
    This paper develops the conjecture that the electromagnetic interaction is the manifestation of the torsion Ωμ of spacetime. This conjecture is made feasible by the natural separation of the connection ω μ v into “gravitational” and “electromagnetic” parts α μ v and β μ v , respectively, related to the metric and to the torsion. When α μ v is neglected in front of β μ v , the affine geodesics are shown to become the equations of motion of charged (...)
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  14. The emergence of a Kaluza-Klein microgenometry from the invariants of optimally Euclidean Lorentzian spaces.José G. Vargas & Douglas G. Torr - 1997 - Foundations of Physics 27 (4):533-558.
    It is shown that relativistic spacetimes can be viewed as Finslerian spaces endowed with a positive definite distance (ω0, mod ωi) rather than as pariah, pseudo-Riemannian spaces. Since the pursuit of better implementations of “Euclidicity in the small” advocates absolute parallelism, teleparallel nonlinear Euclidean (i.e., Finslerian) connections are scrutinized. The fact that (ωμ, ω0 i) is the set of horizontal fundamental 1-forms in the Finslerian fibration implies that it can be used in principle for obtainingcompatible new structures. If the connection (...)
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  15.  29
    Revised Robertson's test theory of special relativity.José G. Vargas - 1984 - Foundations of Physics 14 (7):625-651.
    The only test theory used by workers in the field of testing special relativity to analyze the significance of their experiments is the proof by H. P. Robertson [Rev. Mod. Phys. 21, 378 (1949)] of the Lorentz transformations from the results of the experimental evidence. Some researchers would argue that the proof contains an unwarranted assumption disguised as a convention about synchronization procedures. Others would say that alternative conventions are possible. In the present paper, no convention is used, but the (...)
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  16.  42
    Nonrelativistic para-Maxwellian electrodynamics with preferred reference frame in the universe.Jose G. Vargas - 1982 - Foundations of Physics 12 (9):889-905.
    The electrodynamics consistent with the para-Lorentzian mechanics developed in previous papers is obtained. The transformation law for the fields, Maxwell's equations, and the potentials are the main topics considered. One then obtains the gauge transformation and the electromagnetic action with a view to further develop the para-Lorentzian theory of the electron.
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    The construction of teleparallel finsler connections and the emergence of an alternative concept of metric compatibility.José G. Vargas & Douglas G. Torr - 1997 - Foundations of Physics 27 (6):825-843.
    The issue of whether teleparallel nonlinear connections exist is resolved by their explicit construction on Finslerian metrics that arise in the Robertson test theory of special relativity (RTTSR), and on the Minkowski metric in particular. The method is an adaptation to the Finsler bundle of a similar construction for teleparallel linear connections. It suggests the existence of a concept of metric compatibility alternative toω μλ +ω λμ = 0 for teleparallel nonlinear connections. A sophisticated system of partial differential equations whose (...)
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  18.  55
    Revised Robertson's test theory of special relativity: Supergroups and superspace. [REVIEW]José G. Vargas - 1986 - Foundations of Physics 16 (12):1231-1261.
    The revised Robertson's test theory of special relativity (SR) has been constructed upon a family of sets of passive coordinate transformations in flat space-time [J. G. Vargas and D. G. Torr,Found. Phys., 16, 1089 (1986)]. In the same paper, it has also been shown that the boosts depend in general on the velocities of the two frames involved and not only on their relative velocity. The only exception to this is SR, if one has previously used an appropriate constraint (...)
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  19.  15
    Problems of synchronization in special relativity: A reply to G. Cavalleri and G. Spinelli. [REVIEW]Jose G. Vargas - 1983 - Foundations of Physics 13 (12):1231-1235.
    Cavalleri and Spinelli have criticized previous work, connected with synchronization procedures, by the present author. This reply discusses their criticisms.
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  20.  35
    Electrodynamics of the Maxwell-Lorentz type in the ten-dimensional space of the testing of special relativity: A case for Finsler type connections. [REVIEW]Jose G. Vargas & Douglas G. Torr - 1989 - Foundations of Physics 19 (3):269-291.
    It has recently been shown by Vargas, (4) that the passive coordinate transformations that enter the Robertson test theory of special relativity have to be considered as coordinate transformations in a seven-dimensional space with degenerate metric. It has also been shown by Vargas that the corresponding active coordinate transformations are not equal in general to the passive ones and that the composite active-passive transformations act on a space whose number of dimensions is ten (one-particle case) or larger (more (...)
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  21.  46
    Revised Robertson's test theory of special relativity: Space-time structure and dynamics. [REVIEW]José G. Vargas & Douglas G. Torr - 1986 - Foundations of Physics 16 (11):1089-1126.
    The experimental testing of the Lorentz transformations is based on a family of sets of coordinate transformations that do not comply in general with the principle of equivalence of the inertial frames. The Lorentz and Galilean sets of transformations are the only member sets of the family that satisfy this principle. In the neighborhood of regular points of space-time, all members in the family are assumed to comply with local homogeneity of space-time and isotropy of space in at least one (...)
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  22.  31
    Visuo-Motor Affective Interplay: Bonding Scenes Promote Implicit Motor Pre-dispositions Associated With Social Grooming–A Pilot Study.Olga Grichtchouk, Jose M. Oliveira, Rafaela R. Campagnoli, Camila Franklin, Monica F. Correa, Mirtes G. Pereira, Claudia D. Vargas, Isabel A. David, Gabriela G. L. Souza, Sonia Gleiser, Andreas Keil, Vanessa Rocha-Rego & Eliane Volchan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Proximity and interpersonal contact are prominent components of social connection. Giving affective touch to others is fundamental for human bonding. This brief report presents preliminary results from a pilot study. It explores if exposure to bonding scenes impacts the activity of specific muscles related to physical interaction. Fingers flexion is a very important component when performing most actions of affectionate contact. We explored the visuo-motor affective interplay by priming participants with bonding scenes and assessing the electromyographic activity of the fingers (...)
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  23.  32
    MDL+ a manufacturing description language to describe and control assembling tasks in industry 4.0.Mauricio-Andres Zamora-Hernandez, Jose Andrez Chaves Ceciliano, Alonso Villalobos Granados, John Alejandro Castro Vargas, Jose Garcia-Rodriguez & Jorge Azorin-Lopez - 2023 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 31 (4):664-687.
    The assembly of products or components by operators in industries is a complex task with recurring problems. In these processes, operators often make errors that can lead to defective products. Therefore, they need to be inspected later to verify their correct assembly. The main problems are caused by several reasons including high employee turnover, lack of experience in manufacturing specific products or confusion in interpreting instructions to assemble similar components. In this paper, a novel structured language aimed to describe the (...)
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  24.  52
    Neural decoding of expressive human movement from scalp electroencephalography.Jesus G. Cruz-Garza, Zachery R. Hernandez, Sargoon Nepaul, Karen K. Bradley & Jose L. Contreras-Vidal - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  25.  28
    An axiomatic approach to CG′3 logic.Miguel Pérez-Gaspar, Alejandro Hernández-Tello, José Arrazola Ramírez & Mauricio Osorio Galindo - 2020 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 28 (6):1218-1232.
    In memoriam José Arrazola Ramírez The logic $\textbf{G}^{\prime}_3$ was introduced by Osorio et al. in 2008; it is a three-valued logic, closely related to the paraconsistent logic $\textbf{CG}^{\prime}_3$ introduced by Osorio et al. in 2014. The logic $\textbf{CG}^{\prime}_3$ is defined in terms of a multi-valued semantics and has the property that each theorem in $\textbf{G}^{\prime}_3$ is a theorem in $\textbf{CG}^{\prime}_3$. Kripke-type semantics has been given to $\textbf{CG}^{\prime}_3$ in two different ways by Borja et al. in 2016. In this work, (...)
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  26.  47
    Preparing to caress: a neural signature of social bonding.Rafaela R. Campagnoli, Laura Krutman, Claudia D. Vargas, Isabela Lobo, Jose M. Oliveira, Leticia Oliveira, Mirtes G. Pereira, Isabel A. David & Eliane Volchan - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:121308.
    It is assumed that social bonds in humans have consequences for virtually all aspects of behavior. Social touch-based contact, particularly hand caressing, plays an important role in social bonding. Pre-programmed neural circuits likely support actions (or predispositions to act) towards caressing contacts. We searched for pre-set motor substrates towards caressing by exposing volunteers to bonding cues and having them gently stroke a very soft cloth, a caress-like movement. The bonding cues were pictures with interacting dyads and the control pictures presented (...)
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  27.  39
    Direct Human-AI Comparison in the Animal-AI Environment.Konstantinos Voudouris, Matthew Crosby, Benjamin Beyret, José Hernández-Orallo, Murray Shanahan, Marta Halina & Lucy G. Cheke - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Artificial Intelligence is making rapid and remarkable progress in the development of more sophisticated and powerful systems. However, the acknowledgement of several problems with modern machine learning approaches has prompted a shift in AI benchmarking away from task-oriented testing towards ability-oriented testing, in which AI systems are tested on their capacity to solve certain kinds of novel problems. The Animal-AI Environment is one such benchmark which aims to apply the ability-oriented testing used in comparative psychology to AI systems. Here, we (...)
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  28.  41
    Women Entrepreneurship: A Systematic Review to Outline the Boundaries of Scientific Literature.Giuseppina Maria Cardella, Brizeida Raquel Hernández-Sánchez & José Carlos Sánchez-García - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:536630.
    In recent years, the study of women entrepreneurship has experienced great growth, gaining a broad consensus among academics and contributing above all to understanding all those factors that explain the difficulty of women in undertaking an entrepreneurial career. This document tries to contribute to the field of study, thanks to a systematic analysis through the publications present in the topic. For this purpose, 2,848 peer-reviewed articles were analyzed, published between 1950 and 2019, using the Scopus database (SCImago Research Group). Through (...)
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  29. A Self-Applied Multi-Component Psychological Online Intervention Based on UX, for the Prevention of Complicated Grief Disorder in the Mexican Population During the COVID-19 Outbreak: Protocol of a Randomized Clinical Trial.Alejandro Dominguez-Rodriguez, Sofia Cristina Martínez-Luna, María Jesús Hernández Jiménez, Anabel De La Rosa-Gómez, Paulina Arenas-Landgrave, Esteban Eugenio Esquivel Santoveña, Carlos Arzola-Sánchez, Joabián Alvarez Silva, Arantza Mariel Solis Nicolas, Ana Marisa Colmenero Guadián, Flor Rocio Ramírez-Martínez & Rosa Olimpia Castellanos Vargas - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: COVID-19 has taken many lives worldwide and due to this, millions of persons are in grief. When the grief process lasts longer than 6 months, the person is in risk of developing Complicated Grief Disorder. The CGD is related to serious health consequences. To reduce the probability of developing CGD a preventive intervention could be applied. In developing countries like Mexico, the psychological services are scarce, self-applied interventions could provide support to solve this problem and reduce the health impact (...)
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  30.  32
    Teaching methodologies in times of pandemic.Santiago Felipe Torres Aza, Gloria Isabel Monzón Álvarez, Gianny Carol Ortega Paredes & José Manuel Calizaya López - 2021 - Minerva 2 (4):5-10.
    The current times call for reforms in educational processes. The Covid-19 pandemic had an unforeseen impact on the educational system in all countries. This need for change requires new pedagogies and new methods for teaching and learning. Understanding the need for change is essential for the formulation of adaptive proposals, as well as for the generation of training activities to complement the teaching curriculum. New educational practices lead to a vision of educational quality, with new approaches that allow the continuous (...)
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    Quantale Valued Sets: Categorical Constructions and Properties.José G. Alvim, Hugo L. Mariano & Caio de A. Mendes - forthcoming - Studia Logica:1-54.
    This work mainly concerns the—here introduced—category of \(\mathscr {Q}\) -sets and functional morphisms, where \(\mathscr {Q}\) is a commutative semicartesian quantale. We prove it enjoys all limits and colimits, that it has a classifier for regular subobjects (a sort of truth-values object), which we characterize and give explicitly. Moreover: we prove it to be \(\kappa \) -locally presentable, (where \(\kappa =max\{|\mathscr {Q}|^+, \aleph _0\}\) ); we also describe a hierarchy of monoidal structures in this category.
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  32. Universal psychometrics: Measuring cognitive abilities in the machine kingdom.Jose Hernandez-Orallo, David Dowe & M. Victoria Hernandez-Lloreda - unknown
  33.  26
    The Principles of Fair Allocation of Peer-Review: How Much Should a Researcher be Expected to Contribute?José G. B. Derraik - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (4):825-828.
    There seems to be reluctance amongst scientists to invest some of their own time in the peer-review of manuscripts. As a result, journal editors often struggle to secure reviewers for a given manuscript in a timely manner. Here, two simple principles are proposed, which could fairly allocate the contribution of individual researchers to the peer-review process.
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  34.  3
    A Política da Skholé: Repensando o Caráter Político da Educação Escolar a Partir de Jacques Rancière.José Miguel Vargas Pellicer, Jan Masschelein & Maarten Simons - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-30.
    Neste artigo, nosso objetivo é mergulhar no caráter político da educação escolar a partir de uma discussão pedagógica-filosófica. Buscamos repensar as noções de política e skholé, nos distanciando das abordagens mais comuns da política em relação à educação escolar: não apenas evitando, por um lado, a redução da política a uma questão de dinâmicas de poder, uma arena para discutir e resolver problemas sociais ou uma questão de governamentalidade; mas também evitando a redução da escola a um instrumento a favor (...)
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  35.  17
    Análisis del consentimiento informado en pacientes con cáncer: una propuesta de algoritmo decisional.José Enrique Gómez Álvarez & Nora Hilda Chávez Hernández - 2021 - Medicina y Ética 32 (2):553-567.
    Una de las dificultades para la atención de los pacientes oncológicos es la posibilidad de que no colaboren con su tratamiento. A partir del análisis conceptual y del estudio de dos casos, se propone mejorar la calidad del procedimiento en el consultorio de oncología de atención ambulatoria en la Clínica 180 del IMSS.1 La literatura clínica revela diversas limitaciones de los pacientes al momento de consentir tratamientos; una muy frecuente es la mención del estrés. En los casos analizados aparecen, además, (...)
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  36. La necesidad de una conducta ética en el proceso administrativo. Una revisión de conceptos y perspectivas.José Alejandro Ramírez Flores & Zacarías Torres Hernández - 2006 - Episteme 2 (8).
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  37. Doctrina del mérito en Duns Escoto.José G. Santos - 1961 - Verdad y Vida 19 (74):269-289.
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    On Anti-Violence.José G. Izaguirre - 2023 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 56 (3-4):350-356.
    ABSTRACT This article explores the relationship between rhetoric and violence by running this pairing through a corresponding couplet: rhetoric and race. Arguing for a common substrate between these two pairs of terms—coloniality—this article proposes that rhetorics of “nonviolence” are better understood as rhetorics of anti-violence.
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    La valoración de la capacidad del paciente:ni depende del riesgo, ni es un mero resultado.José Luis Fernández Hernández, Pablo Herranz Hernández & Laura Segovia-Torres - 2021 - Dilemata 35:5-16.
    The notion that patients’ medical decision-making capacity depends on risk considerations has some acceptance in the bioethical literature. However, it arouses some criticism since it seems to give rise to paternalistic attitudes. In addition, the idea of capacity assessment as a collaborative space in which aid is given to the patient is emphasized so that they can decide about their life. It does not seem ethically acceptable to pose the evaluation as a simple observer report. Capacity assessment can sometimes be (...)
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    Tiempo, capital y capital humano.Alejo José G. Sison - 2006 - In Rafael Alvira, Héctor Ghiretti & Montserrat Herrero López, La experiencia social del tiempo. Barañáin, Navarra: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra.
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    How different is neo‐Aristotelian virtue from positive organizational virtuousness?Alejo José G. Sison & Ignacio Ferrero - 2015 - Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (S2):78-98.
    The purpose of this article is to explain the differences between neo-Aristotelian virtue and positive organizational virtuousness from the virtue ethics perspective. Most studies use virtues and virtuousness interchangeably. A few others try to explain their differences from the positive organizational science perspective. Although closely related, we believe that these two notions are not identical. If we understand neo-Aristotelian virtue correctly, then it cannot be judged exclusively on what is externally verifiable, as is the case with virtuousness. For these reasons, (...)
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  42. Grandeza y miseria de las nuevas tecnologías de comunicación. Perspectivas psicológicas y educativas.José de Jesús Hernández Velasco - 2005 - Episteme NS: Revista Del Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad Central de Venezuela 2 (6).
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  43. The Common Good of the Firm in the Aristotelian-Thomistic Tradition.Alejo José G. Sison & Joan Fontrodona - 2012 - Business Ethics Quarterly 22 (2):211-246.
    ABSTRACT:This article proposes a theory of the firm based on the common good. It clarifies the meaning of the term “common good” tracing its historical development. Next, an analogous sense applicable to the firm is derived from its original context in political theory. Put simply, the common good of the firm is the production of goods and services needed for flourishing, in which different members participate through work. This is linked to the political common good through subsidiarity. Lastly, implications and (...)
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  44.  7
    Knowledge, contemplation and Lullism: contributions to the Lullian Session at the SIEPM Congress -- Freising, August 20-25, 2012.José G. Higuera (ed.) - 2015 - Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers.
    This volume is a collection of the Lullian contributions to the 2012 Congress of the Societe Internationale pour l'Etude de la Philosophie Medievale (SIEPM), held in Freising, Germany, 20-25 August. The Lullian Opera constitute a philosophical mirror of the medieval tradition. The questions and interests of medieval masters played a role in the Renaissance and Early Modern period through the Lullian Art. The three parts of this volume-Knowledge, Contemplation and Lullism- are intended to show that influence, collecting the contributions of (...)
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    On Anti-Violence.I. I. I. José G. Izaguirre - 2023 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 56 (3):350-356.
    This article explores the relationship between rhetoric and violence by running this pairing through a corresponding couplet: rhetoric and race. Arguing for a common substrate between these two pairs of terms—coloniality—this article proposes that rhetorics of "nonviolence" are better understood as rhetorics of anti-violence.
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    Human Dignity and The Dignity of Work: Insights from Catholic Social Teaching.Alejo José G. Sison, Ignacio Ferrero & Gregorio Guitián - 2016 - Business Ethics Quarterly 26 (4):503-528.
    What contributions could we expect from Catholic Social Teaching (CST) on human dignity in relation to the dignity of work? This essay begins with an explanation of CST and its relevance for secular audiences. It then proceeds to identify the main features of human dignity based on the notion of imago Dei in CST. Next comes an analysis of the dignity of work in CST from which two normative principles are derived: the precedence of duties over rights and the priority (...)
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    Pedagogia e dialética na metodologia de investigação socrática.José G. Trindade Santos - 2014 - Aufklärung 10 (2):11-20.
    This article is divided in two parts. The first one aims to show a short interpratation of the methodology of investigation developed by Socrates across the platonic dialogs. In the second one I'm going to show some pointed consequences on that proposed lecture in the first one.
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  48.  26
    A notion of selective ultrafilter corresponding to topological Ramsey spaces.José G. Mijares - 2007 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 53 (3):255-267.
    We introduce the relation of almost-reduction in an arbitrary topological Ramsey space ℛ as a generalization of the relation of almost-inclusion on ℕ[∞]. This leads us to a type of ultrafilter [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL U] ⊆ ℛ which corresponds to the well-known notion of selective ultrafilter on ℕ. The relationship turns out to be rather exact in the sense that it permits us to lift several well-known facts about selective ultrafilters on ℕ and the Ellentuck space ℕ[∞] to the ultrafilter (...)
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  49. El español mexicano.José G. Moreno de Alba - 2014 - In Diego Valadés & Adolfo Castañón, Lengua oficial y lenguas nacionales en México. México, D.F: Academia Mexicana de la Lengua.
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  50. Cultura, política y sociedad en la época de López de Medrano.José G. Guerrero - 2015 - In Artidiello Moreno, M. Mabel & Julio Minaya, Memoria del bicentenario de la Lógica de Andrés López de Medrano. Santo Domingo: Ministerio de Cultura.
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